Lačni Franz is young again!


Band Lačni Franz performs again. With its evergreen lyrics and youthful energy again brings together different generations. Youth is not reflected in the color of his hair, but in the state of mind. The originality and courage are always in. Lačni Franz prepars new album and a series of concerts at clubs and festivals throughout the region. They started with new single, which preserved the standards of their own history. “JEBIVETER JUNIOR” is an energetic ballad, which in a peculiar way darkly humorous songs about always popular and current conformism. Each era has its false lioness and nasty snakes. Lačni Franz is young again.

Zoran Predin  – vocal
Anej Kočevar – bas
Luka Čadež – drums
Klemen Lombar – guitar
Boštjan Artiček – keyboards