Concerts: Nina Romić, Lika Kolorado


Nina Romić will be performing on Friday, February 15, in the jazz cafe Forum in Sesvete. Her fourth album, “Sloboda”, has appeared on numerous best albums lists in 2018, and as announced, this year she plans to promote it through concerts and festivals across the region. This album’s sound is different from the previous albums and it expresses variety of influences. It also proves Nina’s ability to transform into different genres, yet in this development Nina has always remained warm, simple, straightforward and uncompromising.
Lika Kolorado performs again in Zagreb! It will be on the fourth edition of the Brijačnica, a great two-day rock festival, to be held on March 15 and 16 at Tvornica Kulture in Zagreb. Their debut album “Smiješ zaurlat” picked up great criticism and high places on music charts in 2018. The band is currently recording their new album, and some of the new songs they have already performed at their last concert in Kinoteka last November.